Pamplona City Hall
University of Navarra campus.
The sun is rising right in front of me.
Having breakfast with a Spanish person.
The Perdon Pass is visible ahead.
The Camino continues on and on.
Pilgrims walking through the town of Urtega.
A row of wind turbines.
The climb continues towards the Col de Perdon.
We've climbed quite a bit.
We reach Col de Perdon. My legs did a great job.
One Spanish and three Mexicans.
As expected, Perdon Pass offers great views.
A two-shot on the other side of Col de Peldon.
Pilgrims' monument at the Pass of Perdon.
Panoramic view from the Perdon Pass.
Of the 12 windmills, only 3 are operational.
Virgin Mary statue.
Arrival at Uterga.
The church of Murzabal.
Four shots at Murzabal.
Albergue map